About Us
Dumexie Technologies Pty Ltd is your premier professional for Information Technology products and services. We offer indicative pricing on our advanced and finest technologies that exceed customer expectations and this have enabled us to maintain an outstanding customer retention rate.
Our Values
We stalwartly believe that nothing is gained by deceitfulness, mendacious or artfulness. We are honest in all aspects of our work.
Our Vision
Our goal is to develop and retain mutually beneficial relationship with our clients and suppliers, to uphold service excellence and continued improvement thereof.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide our clients with best and cost effective services and products.
What makes us your Premier Choice?
Intellect & Experience
Our highly skilled professionals who possess expertise in diverse business and technology areas provide world class service and products and become a true business partner in every project.
Commitment to Quality
We offer high-quality products and services that meet our client’s needs. We have managed to create unshakable customer loyalty and word-of-mouth recommendations.
On-time Delivery
Our delivery performance is excellent and this has helped us to establish better collaboration with our customers.
Competitive Pricing
We deliver products and services to our clients at a very competitive price.
Our growing list of satisfied customers’ not only act as our excellent references but are also a source of our repeat business
Great Customer Service
Customers are the most integral part of our business they are the center of our world. Our customer service center around three “p”s: professionalism, patience, and a “people-first” attitude.